About Us

Welcome to D'Clutter Diva

Welcome to D’Clutter Diva, your partner in simplifying your space and transforming your life!

We believe that a clutter-free environment can spark joy, reduce stress & anxiety, and increase productivity. Our mission is to help you create a peaceful and organised home or workspace that reflects your true potential.

Our story began with a passion and natural ability for decluttering and organising. Our founder, Elle, discovered the transformative power of decluttering while helping friends and family members tackle their own cluttered spaces. Seeing the impact it had on their well-being and happiness, Elle decided to turn this passion into a career.

Today, that passion of expertise in professional organisation and decluttering is here and dedicated to providing personalised services that cater to your unique needs. We understand that every individual's relationship with clutter is different, and we approach each project with empathy, understanding, and a non-judgmental attitude.


Tailored to your needs


Support at every step


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Respecting your privacy

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Create a haven that inspires calm, creativity, joy and personal growth.